Tuesday 27 May 2014

#WhatEveryWomanNeedToKnow: You Can Make Yourself More Sexually Attractive To Almost Any Man

If you would like to be a woman that nearly all men... just can't resist, this is going to be the most important message you will ever read. Here is why: Let's face it... almost any woman can get a man to have sex with her. You don't have to be pretty. You don't have to be sexy. You don't have to have a great body. Basically, you just have to be a woman who will say "yes" and thousands of men will have sex with you. 
One of them may even like the sex well enough to marry you. But, what if you want that same man to call you for another date? Well, that might not be so easy. But, what if there was a way to make sure... almost every man... wanted to go out with you again? Continue...

Better yet, what if there was a way to make having sex with you... so fantastic...the man you are interested in... couldn't even think about another woman?  What if there was a way to make having sex with you... so good... a man would do anything... even marry you... to keep you in his bed? Or if he’s already married to you, never have the desire to look at another woman again?
Well, guess what?  Now there is a little-known way you can turn almost any man into your 100% sex slave...

No matter how you look, how old you are or even how much you weigh

Don't laugh.  It's really true and, to prove it, I'm going to tell you a story.  This story started in Asia about 2,000 years ago. Back then, there was no such thing as women's rights.  The only power a woman really had (to get what she wanted) was the power to attract and keep a man.  And unfortunately, back then, just like it is today...

Most Men Are Sexually Attracted To Very Young Women!
Why is this?
To answer that question, I have no choice except to tell you something no one wants to talk about publicly.  Even most doctors won't tell you this but, the truth is... young women are most likely to be extremely tight!
Maybe you don't like that.  Maybe it's unfair.  But the truth is the truth.  These young women haven't yet been "loosened up" by age, childbirth, hundreds of sexual experiences or anything else that causes them to lose what some people call that "honeymoon fit".
Why is this so important?  The answers are easy.  A woman with a very tight vagina increases a man's ego by making him feel he has a much larger-than-average penis.  (And, almost all men secretly worry about the size of their penis.)
A tight vagina makes a man feel every inch of his penetration.  It stimulates every single nerve-ending in his genital area.  It literally causes a flood of sexual energy and ecstasy all over his body.
Once a man has had sex with a woman with a truly tight vagina... all he will be able to think about... is having sex with that same woman again.
But, most women eventually lose their "teenage" tightness.  Nature takes its toll on everyone.  However, a certain (very small) group of very clever women... over 2,000 years ago... discovered...

How To Reverse Vagina Aging!
And these women became the most powerful on earth.  They married the richest and the most powerful men.  If their husband was a king, it was the woman who controlled the king.  You see, a woman who is old enough to know how to give a man extremely good sex plus has a tight, moist, young-looking vagina, has an enormous advantage over every other woman.
It doesn't matter how beautiful the other woman is.  It doesn't matter how sexy her body is.  It doesn't matter if she has big or small breasts.  It doesn't matter how interesting she is or if she has a high I.Q.  The truth is, a woman with a young, tight, "velvet glove" vagina will get the man every time.
What did these special women discover 2,000 years ago?  It was a cream; a cream which has been a closely-guarded secret for all those years.
What this cream does is:
·         It tightens the vagina and the muscles in the surrounding area!
·         It increases a woman's sexual desire!
·         It slows the menopausal process!
·         It totally eliminates the need for vagina tightening surgery which is the fastest-growing (and one of the most expensive) medical procedures being asked for by women today!
·         It restores the natural elasticity of the vagina!
·         It dramatically increases the intensity, frequency and quality of a woman's orgasms!
·         It maintains natural color and a "teenage" appearance!
·         It acts as a lubricant with a fresh, clean scent!
This product is called "LAVET" and it is based on a secret herbal formula that is 100% safe and natural.  The main ingredient is Aleppo Oak Gall (AOG) that has been treated with a secret process.  It has been used for centuries by the most powerful, the most successful and the most highly-desired women in Asia.

And, now a Ghanaian biotech company owns the rights to this secret formula and is selling it to the women in Africa with...

A full one year money back guarantee
If you are unhappy with this product for any reason, just send back the empty container (any time within the next 12 months) and get a full and immediate refund with no questions asked. 
This product works!
But Wait, That’s Not All!
If you order the LAVET cream today, you will also get a free Report titled, Secrets of Vagina Tightening For Optimum Sex and Enjoyment
This is a manual we have written (you can read it on your computer or your phone) which not only shows you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about vagina tightening, but which will also show you...
How To Use LAVET Cream For Best Results!
Women who have bought LAVET say that combining the instruction inside the manual with the LAVET cream has sent their and their man’s level of enjoyment...
Through The Roof!
This cream because of its potency and how well it works is sold for upwards $100 (=N=17,000) for one month’s supply elsewhere.
But right here, right now you get it for half of that amount.

To get Lavet, call this number - 0703 – 940 - 3200. 

You can also order via our office at Trinity Court, 3 Fatai Kafo Street, Off Agungi Road, Agungi, Lekki, Lagos. Ask for Mary. Please call in advance to make sure stock is available.

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